One out of two Americans die every day from a heart attack or stroke!
One out of three Americans die every day from cancer!
Remember, “feeling good” is a poor indicator of true health…heart disease, cancer, and stroke develop slowly and silently over time. Every human being (from babies to adults) has between 100 and 10,000 cancer cells in their body every day! Why don’t all people get cancer? A strong, uninterrupted nerve supply, which is the communication system for every cell, organ, tissues and function in the body, helps strengthen the natural immune system in the body.
On the other side, interference to the nervous system causes dis-ease in your body. How does interference to the nervous system, which can lead to heart disease & cancer, occur? It can start as early as a difficult delivery at birth. Then add some daily living like bumps, falls, emotional & physical stress, poor diet, accidents, injuries…all causing abnormal “patterning” of the nervous system to progress, which leads to improper “life force” impulses and interrupted nerve communication. Poor internal communication in the body leads to stress, stress causes weakness, weakness leads to an inability to heal, and lack of healing produces an environment for disease.