We have same-day appointments to accommodate our patients’ varied lifestyles and have office hours available from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
Frequently Asked Questions
We are a Preferred Provider for many insurance companies – please text (951) 805-7778 or fax (877-768-6515) a copy of your enlarged insurance card (both front and back for optimal viewing), along with your birth date and telephone number, and we will check your coverage for you and call you with the information.
Yes, please call 951-805-7778 to schedule an immediate appointment.
There are over 94 recognized Chiropractic techniques; each year Dr. Chris studies the newest technique available and is certified in multiple techniques which include: low force, instrument, manual, upper cervical, cranial, pediatric, geriatric, pregnancy, breach, Webster technique, and the Palmer package.
Yes, Dr. Rayce has been caring for newborns since 1980; babies and small children do not receive the same adjustments as adults. Adjusting techniques are modified for each person’s size and unique spinal problem, and an infant’s spine rarely has the long-standing muscle tightness seen in adults.
Yes, Dr. Chris is certified in numerous techniques which will benefit those who have had spinal surgery.
Yes, studies have revealed that by relieving the stress on the spine and nerve system, arthritis pain and inflammation can be reduced for improved comfort.
Yes, please call 951-805-7778 to schedule an immediate appointment.
Yes, everyday tumbles, bicycle crashes, falling off the bed, sport accidents, and “growing pains” should not be ignored. Detecting and correcting childhood mishaps can actually help, otherwise those minor mishaps may worsen and become more difficult problems to correct as an adult.
Chiropractic Terms for Informed Knowledge
The world’s largest, natural, drugless, health care system based on the principle that the body is a self-healing, self-regulating, organism. Chiropractic is not about suppressing symptoms but finding the cause—improper nerve impulses to areas of the body, resulting in pain, numbness, loss of energy, loss of mobility, & dis-ease. Your heart, lungs, breathing, digestion, and movement are all controlled by your nerve system. Chiropractic is the science and art entirely focused on the nerve system that controls and coordinates every function of your body.
Misalignment of the vertebrae that results in nerve disturbance; causes abnormal nerve communication in your body.
A subluxation may not always produce pain or discomfort but is always an unhealthy condition.
Highly specialized, specific procedure to reduce a subluxation. An adjustment restores proper communication from your brain to your body via the nerve system. Adjustments remove nerve disturbance and are vital for optimal health.
The audible sound often produced when an adjustment is made. It is the result of compressed gases being released from the abnormal pressures around the subluxated vertebrae. Rather than being called a “pop” or “crack”, it is correctly referred to as a release.
You are not required to come “forever”. Dr. Branuelas makes it easy for you to come in as much as you need in order to keep your body’s entire nerve system working at an optimal level for a better life. Your skin, ears, teeth, hair, and fingernails all require continuous maintenance care. Think what your spine endures each day—long commutes, an old mattress, improperly designed seating, excessive lifestyles, exercise trauma or absence…catching a spinal misalignment before pain or damage begins is the same as catching a cavity before you need a root canal!
Meet Dr. Rayce
I am a certified instructor for the American Academy of Clinical ASBE, the Lift technique, and am a Real Food nutrient counselor. Along with experienced Chiropractic care, I am able to offer you wellness lifestyle coaching, body composition profiling, nutrient intake counseling, and fat vs. weight reduction.
I’m here to serve my community. My patients and I understand the benefits of exceptional health by including Chiropractic care in our active schedules.
Dr. Rayce Meyers
Meet Dr. Chris
Dr. Chris Branuelas
We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule. Schedule an appointment today.