Swine Flu? H1N1? There is always something to be scared of “catching”, but do you really “catch” something like the “flu”? NO! In addition to eating right, adequate sleep, exercising, and relaxing, it’s also important to get adjusted “regularly”. Why? Because if you get adjusted regularly, you’ll have a stronger nerve system, and by having…


Children & Chiropractic

Children & Chiropractic – Regardless of age…a better working spine is good for your health! Newborns, infants and children can benefit from chiropractic health care too! Even “natural” childbirth methods can affect an infant’s spine and often manifests itself as colic, unusual crying, poor appetite, acid reflux, allergies, asthma, ear infections, erratic sleep habits, or…

How a healthy back improves quality of life

A better working spine is good for your health, and chiropractic care can be helpful regardless of your age, size or condition. The everyday stress and strain of our busy lives mounts up over time and the residual affects then manifest in the form of chronic pain, discomfort, fatigue and dis-ease in the body. We’ve…